Stresemannstraße 4 • D-26125 Oldenburg • Telefon: (0441) 390307-0
Telefax: (0441) 390307-17 •
Sawn Woods
We deliver sawngoods from the best growth areas in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Baltics. Already in the 2nd Generation, we maintain long-term connections to the sawmills in those countries, the sawngoods are in the best and reliable quality. [more]
Planed Woods
From the beginning, the import of planed woods belonged to our core competencies. Our long-standing connections to powerful planingmills in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Baltic states are the warranty for reliable supplies [more]
About 15 years ago, we provided an own contract manufacture for pine windowbeams. When the demand was too great and the purchase of raw segments becomes more and more difficult, we have searched for reliable suppliers for finished windowbeams. [more]
For over 20 years, we import ready-made gardenwood from Poland and Belarus. A large part of the products can be delivered with FSC certificate. Our suppliers produce the gardenwood very carefully. [more]
Siberian Larch
For many years we import Siberian larch as unedged ordinary commodity. It concerns the “real” Siberian larch from the Krasnoyarsk region and not from western Russia. Through our financial commitment and our partly personal decline in Siberia we get reliably beautiful qualities. [more]
Knotless pine
The material provided by us is 3- to 4-sided error-free and dry at 14-16%. Our knotless pine is also i. Pr square edged, without blue coloration and partly with FSC-certified available. Obviously, our knotless pine is sorted by length and width. [more]